Enabling Green Recovery
This session will focus on the challenges the South East Midlands region needs to overcome to enable green recovery; nevertheless, all UK innovators are encouraged to register.
It will include speakers from the Local Authority, innovators working towards enabling green recovery and a local academic working in collaboration with businesses on innovations.
Net Zero is a priority in all sectors and industries, and there is a need to measure, monitor and communicate information to make sure that improvements are being made. Enabling Technology companies (electronics, sensors and photonics) will play a key role, and understanding the challenges will be the key.
For the UK to achieve accelerated sustainable green economic revival, it is also vital to identify the innovations with the greatest potential to act as enablers of this recovery. Every job created within the energy sector has a knock-on effect of 12 more generated within other sectors such as construction, manufacturing, engineering and enabling technologies. KTN is here to help by connecting innovators with new partners and new opportunities beyond their existing thinking.
The Enabling Green Recovery webinar series aims to share regional challenges relating to Energy, Infrastructure and Urban systems with Local Authorities that enabling technologies (electronics, sensors & photonics) can solve.
These webinars are for anyone who would like to know how different regions are tackling Net Zero, highlighting their challenges as well as giving you the chance to join round table discussions, run through scenario workshops and arrange one to one meetings with the other delegates.
Find out more.