A call out to Central Bedfordshire-based business: invest in your talent pipeline!
In Central Bedfordshire, job vacancies are on the up. This is good news as it’s an indicator of business growth. That’s something to celebrate! With growth though, we also recognise that more businesses are coming to us faced with challenges in attracting and retaining employees they seek for new roles. As we work to support our business community through this, we must take decisive action to develop a talent pipeline to truly respond, long term, to the needs of our local labour market.
The South East Midlands Careers Hub mission (launched in February this year) is to transform careers education by linking schools and colleges with local employers to develop world-class careers experiences that inspire and inform young people in taking their next steps. Its role is to link the world of education with the world of work so to build a talent pipeline of individuals with the attributes and skills required for our dynamic and competitive economy.
There’s already a huge amount of activity happening in Central Bedfordshire, all focused on the goal to secure a future talent pipeline. In June, for National Volunteer Week, the Careers Hub celebrated the many amazing contributions that hundreds of individuals make to inspire young people. Whether that was by giving their time to strengthen careers education, providing work experience or, sharing information about their careers journeys to give colour to the experiences for young people considering their options after their final year exams.
The truth is though, that there’s much more to do. That’s where you come in!
How can I invest to inspire talent for my business?
Your experience and networks matter and can contribute towards developing the talent pipeline for your industry. There are several ways employers and volunteers to get involved, such as by:
- becoming an Enterprise Adviser – where you’d partner with a school or college and offer strategic support on their careers programme. In this role you’ll act as a consultant, critical friend and coach and it is a great opportunity to make a real, sustained impact on the young people in the school and, in your business.
- giving an hour – to give a careers talk, help with mock interviews, provide industry insights. Your skills and insights are inspirational.
- joining the group of cornerstone employers – being that vital link to key sectors and acting as an ambassador to drive better outcomes for young people by embedding careers education in your own organisation and your sector.
- offering teacher encounters – a new initiative being piloted here. Teacher Encounters recognises that teachers are key influencers in the career and study options for young people. But subject experts need practical experience too to shape lessons plans to help put real world meaning to teaching.
Opening doors…
Kier was the first business to open its doors and invited teachers encounters to their site at Luton and Dunstable Hospital. With more experiences coming through the Coop, the NHS and Travis Perkins. Teacher Encounters provides another brilliant way for firms of all sizes and sectors to step up and take action to help ensure tomorrow’s workforce are informed and inspired about careers in business.
Let’s celebrate the success of your business and secure its future - inspire your talent pipeline for sustainable business growth.
Get involved: Contact the Careers Hub team directly on careershub@semlep.com