Business Survey 2017
This week, SEMLEP launch the start of the 2017 Business Survey, to gather perceptions of businesses from across the South East Midlands on recent economic performance and the future of the SEMLEP area’s economy.
We encourage all businesses contacted to participate in this telephone interview, to ensure your business views contribute to future investment decisions made. Over 2,000 businesses will be called throughout June and July 2017, selected at random. Businesses of all different sizes and sectors will be asked their views.
What’s the survey for?
The results of the survey will inform the area’s Strategic Economic Plan – which sets priorities for major government-funded investments made to strengthen economic growth and development. The results will be sent directly to economic development and investments teams across the area to help them shape local economic strategies and initiatives.
Questions asked will focus on your local economic environment, what’s good and works well for you and what can be improved. This survey is time for you to talk about how you want to grow and what you need from your Local Enterprise Partnership, Local Authorities and partners to help you achieve it.
SEMLEP has commissioned Public Perspectives Ltd, an independent market research provider, to conduct the survey. If you have any questions please call SEMLEP directly on 01234 436 100.