Central Bedfordshire Council planning for homes and jobs in the area
The Local Plan sets out how Central Bedfordshire will develop over the next 20 years. It ensures that you and your family get the homes you need plus all the services, facilities and amenities that great communities are built on, while protecting and enhancing what you love about living in the area.
We are intending to consult the public on the first draft of our Local Plan which sets out the options for growth from 4 July, subject to approval from the Executive Committee at their meeting on 20 June.
The Draft Local Plan has been published as part of the papers for the Executive Committee and so we wanted to let you know about this, explain what it is, what the options are for growth and how you can have your say once the consultation is open.
Why the Local Plan is important?
You live in a popular area set in a great location which means people want to live here, so we need growth.
Our Local Plan will ensure that this growth:
· happens in the right place
· fits in with the character of Central Bedfordshire
· is developed alongside the right supporting roads, schools, services, retail, leisure and community facilities.
Not having a plan means that the growth will still happen, but we will have less control over where it happens and it we cannot ensure growth is supported by transport improvements and community facilities.
We don’t want this to happen.
In this first draft, we are planning for:
· Homes: 20,000-30,000 new homes
· Jobs: 24,000-30,000 jobs
· Transport: Road and rail improvements
· Services: Schools, shops, leisure facilities and community facilities
· Countryside: country parks, open space and more.
You can read more about the options for delivering this growth which include new villages, expanding some existing towns and a new town on our website.