Have your say on council budget proposals for 2020
Central Bedfordshire Council is consulting on its budget proposals, this includes proposals for spending, efficiencies and council tax.
The headlines from the draft budget are as follows:
- Next year we anticipate spending some £212million on local public services, this is a £16million increase from 2019/20.
- We’re also continuing to focus on efficiency with £13.6million of efficiency proposals for next year.
- But we continue to face big increases in demands, particularly in Adult Social Care as people are living longer and with more complex needs. We’re also seeing an increasing need to provide care and support for younger adults with learning disabilities when their family cares are no longer able to provide this care.
- To bridge the gap between what we need and what we anticipate in terms of income, we propose to:
- apply the Adult Social Care Precept of a 2% increase on council tax to contribute towards funding care services, and
- increase council tax by 1.95% for fund other services.
- Additionally, the consultation will highlight proposals for almost £142million of capital investments, including road maintenance, new school places and school maintenance, new care homes and new integrated health and care hubs.
More detailed information is available online and you can complete a questionnaire to give your feedback at www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/budget2020 Paper copies are also available in our libraries and council offices.
This consultation is open until 5pm on 30 January. Feedback from the consultation will be collated and presented to the February Executive, in advance of decision making on the finalised budget which will be recommended to Full Council.