Local Outbreak Control Plan for Central Bedfordshire
The government has produced both general and sector-specific advice on working safely during coronavirus, including an online toolkit and downloadable guides and posters.
As lockdown measures are eased, businesses must ensure that these vital control measures continue to be implemented. Businesses and their employees must continue to stay alert, control the virus, and, in doing so, save lives.
The Council has published a Local Outbreak Control Plan which outlines prevention measures in specific settings including Workplace, Businesses and Public Venues.
We are asking all businesses to consider if the controls they have in place remain effective, and to review these to consider if more can be done.
Where you are satisfied that suitable and sufficient systems are being maintained, consider ways of keeping the topic and controls at the forefront of employee’s minds. This may include introducing:
• Additional communications at team meetings
• Appointing COVID-19 champions who can be approached if colleagues feel there are issues and can communicate on their behalf to managers, they could also assist management by providing feedback if things aren’t working/practical
• Reiterating controls and the importance of enhanced personal hygiene and cleaning
• Refreshing signage containing important messages around hand washing, observing the current social distancing rule and not attending work if symptomatic
• Where necessary ensure important signage and messages are communicated in different languages
• Keeping employees up to date with current symptoms, and what to do if they suspect they or a member of their household has COVID-19
• Encouraging colleagues to challenge non-compliance in a friendly and supportive way
• Positive encouragement of those following the rules, and reminders to those that do not follow the rules
• Communicate sickness absence information to encourage those worried about losing income, (if agency) or a high sickness record, not to attend work when symptomatic
• Review social distancing on any shared workplace transport provided and ensuring employees and agency staff providers are mindful of the risks associated with shared transport.
Further guidance, which may assist you is available below and includes free resources such as posters, videos and UK-specific advice about symptoms and self-isolation for those where English is not their first language.
Central Bedfordshire Council Local Outbreak Plan
Guidance on the NHS test and trace service for employers, businesses and workers
ACAS advice for employers and employees
HSE - Working safely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) posters in different languages
Central Bedfordshire Council Links - Advice in different languages
NHS links COVID-19 information in different languages
Advice videos in different languages
Where businesses become aware of a confirmed COVID-19 case within the workforce, whether work related or not, please inform Central Bedfordshire Council’s Covid 19 Workplace Outbreak team as soon as possible – via our contact form.