New green battery storage facility planned for Biggleswade
Following the development of the new substation being built in Biggleswade – helping future proof the town’s energy supply as it grows, we are proposing the development of a battery energy storage facility nearby to this site.
Renewable energy, such as solar or wind is generated and used in real time. But in some cases, we generate more renewable energy than what is required. To avoid wasting it, we would look to save this in a battery storage facility so it can be used on a supply and demand basis to limit waste in the area.
Our successful housing infrastructure fund bid is seeing millions of pounds of investment to transform the Biggleswade community, making it an even better place to live and work. The £70 million of Homes England funding is supporting vital infrastructure projects in Biggleswade which will see the area grow in a sustainable way. We are providing the community with the right supporting infrastructure, schools, facilities, services, and transport links ahead of the planned new homes and associated development. The Biggleswade programme, including the private sector investment to bring forward the 3,000 homes, will deliver about £1 billion of new investment to help the area and Central Bedfordshire thrive.